Some church planters belong to denomination. Some are part of a network of churches. Some however....for one reason or another are alone. If that's you, get connected to some life line. Rest assured, there will be times when you want to quit, when you question your calling, when you want to close the doors and nail a sign that says "closed". One way to be connected and encouraged is through social networking. Twitter for example can serve as great encouragement. Today is Thanksgiving.... Lets see some posts from Twitter:
gregsurratt Greg Surratt
Don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged & give up, 4 we will reap a harvest of blessing @ the appropriate time Gal 6:9
dinorizzo Dino Rizzo
Happy thanksgiving , so much to be thankful for ( in-laws that cook, italy jet lag, "others", my tribe , 80's music, most imp. - Savior ! )
erwinmcmanus Erwin McManus
Making good memories is like storing a healing salve for difficult times. Take time today to reflect on all that God has done for you.
Those are just a few people that I follow. If I can be of any help to you, please feel free to email me or connect....via Twitter @jeffhoglen
Those are just a few people that I follow. If I can be of any help to you, please feel free to email me or connect....via Twitter @jeffhoglen