Answer: They are all things that different churches have tried:
· in order to spice up their worship services,
· to make them more exciting,
· to make them more appealing to today’s worshipper.
What ever happened to relying on the anointing of God? I guess its easier to put on a show.... I good friend of mine had an opportunity to hang out with Dr Yongi Cho for a weekend. They attended a conference together. My friend drove Dr Cho to the airport so he could return to Korea and back to his church of over 1 million people. Along the route, my friend asked Dr Cho what he thought about the conference and the western church in general. The answer he gave really blew me away. He replied, "It's amazing how much can be accomplished without the Holy Spirit". He was referring to all the hype - the lasers, lighting, large sound systems, lcd projectors and multiple screens etc...
Let's take a step back and check our hearts....check our motives. Let us seek after God and then minister out of the overflow.
Those of us who have the honor of leading worship, lets seek God's anointing rather than on gimmicks.
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